Extra Ordinary

A Self-Portrait

Extra Ordinary questions who we put on a pedestal and who we don't and encourages everyone to look at themselves with the same fascination as you look at others.

As a photographer, I look at other people every day. I am fascinated by them, think they are beautiful, and emphasize them through my portrayal. But can I look at myself with the same fascination and curiosity as I look at other people? And how does it feel to be exhibited, looked at, and talked about?

We tend to put a certain type of appearance on a pedestal. Most often the slim, cisgender, young, white woman. As the possessor of that appearance, I can mirror myself in many places, I get opportunities, and I am met in ways others do not.

Conversely, I can sometimes consider myself to be boring, as I do not stand out from the crowd. But don't we all have something extraordinary and ordinary in us, depending on where we look at it? And why is it that we often exalt others but forget ourselves?

We all deserve to be on a podium because we are all unique and amazing, just the way we are. I don't think you can find a job that isn't important or a person that doesn't make a difference to someone. We should all be celebrated for who we are and what we do, not least by ourselves.


2023 | Den censurerede udstilling Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling KS23 - West Jutland Art Museum JANUS, Denmark


The Human Body


The Overlooked Body